Electronic Temperature Transducer PTE-011
Electronic temperature transducer PTE-011 is a primary device designed to measure the temperature of non-aggressive, non-flammable gas in premises, container or that transported through the pipeline; transform temperatures in the digital code and output it to the data acquisition system or ACS.

Ultrasonic Level Switch SUU-011
Ultrasonic level switch SUU-011 is designed for installation in a variety of stationary and mobile sites in industrial and other conditions to be used in alarm systems of technological and emergency levels of liquids, automatic process control systems, pumps, systems of protection against dry running, in systems detecting the presence of liquid in the premises.

The complex for shutting off the sewer pipeline OBK-09
OBK-09 is a device for shutting off the sewer pipeline in an apartment. It is designed to temporarily disable (block) sewer pipeline connected with the riser. Installation (removal) of the locking elements is performed regardless of installation height and previously installed (shifted, deleted) blocks. It is allowed to block the same branch several times.

Data acquisition and processing system
Purpose of data acquisition and processing systems collection of information from distant objects, transfer of the collected information to the control room for its further processing, handling of emergency situations and their transfer to the control room.

Autonomous power supply systems
The practice of designing metering units has shown that there may happen situations impeding equipment powering from local sources. In such circumstances, the Customer demands to provide powering from independent power sources. In particular, solar batteries may be used as independent ones.