Water flow rate metering unit in an open channel
(Українська) Компанія ПрАТ “Енергоучет” розмістила в травні 2017 вузли обліку витрати води у відкритому руслі – Північно-Кримського каналу.

Participation in the All-Ukrainian Seminar “Natural Gas Metering and Metrology”
PJSC “Energouchet” attended the All-Ukrainian Seminar “Natural Gas Metering and Metrology” which was held in Lviv, from 13-17 March 2017

Participation in the all-Ukrainian Meeting of specialists in the field of water and sewage industry of Ukraine
The employees of PJSC “Energouchet” took part in the meeting “Modernization of enterprises in the conditions of reform of the water supply and sewerage system.

Participation in the international meeting of JSC “Moldovagaz”
The employees of PJSC “Energouchet” attended an international meeting of experts on scientific and technical cooperation between PJSC “Gazprom”, NAK “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, OAO “Gazprom transgaz Belarus”, AO “Intergas Central Asia” and JSC “Moldovagaz” in the field of metrological support.