GFA222/GFA424 gas meters are the next generation ultrasonic gas flow meters designed to measure the flow rate and volume of natural gas in the forward and reverse direction. The meters have an integrated
flow corrector with pressure and temperature sensors for effective and reliable custody transfer measurements.

Газові лічильники GFA202/GFA414 — це ультразвукові газові лічильники наступного покоління, призначені для вимірювання витрати та об’єму природного газу в прямому та зворотному напрямку. Лічильники мають інтегрований коректор потоку з датчиками тиску та температури для ефективних і надійних вимірювань під час зберігання.

Ultrasonic Gas Meter GUVR-011
Ultrasonic gas meter GUVR- 11 is designed for measuring, under operating conditions, flow velocity, volumetric flow rate and volume of natural gas and other gasses transported through the pipelines of circular cross-section in the forward or reverse direction, as well as measuring operating and down time.

Ultrasonic Gas Meter GUVR-011 for 15 MPa application
Ultrasonic gas meters are designed to measure under operating conditions the flow rate, volume flow rate and volume of gaseous substances (gas) transported through pipelines in the forward or reverse directions, and to measure the operating time and downtime

Ultrasonic Gas Meter GUVR-011 A4.4
Four-path ultrasonic gas meter is intended to measure, under operating conditions, the flow rate, volumetric flow and volume of the gaseous substances transported in the forward and/or reverse direction, as well as operating and down time.

Secondary Flow Conversion Device VK-011 modification 7
Flow conversion device VK-011 modification 7 is designed to be used along with the standard trays, weirs and unpressurized water pipelines, including Venturi and Parshall flumes.

Ultrasonic Gas Meter GUVR-011 A2.2/IS/314 with autonomous power supply
Ultrasonic gas meters are designed to measure under operating conditions the flow rate, volume flow rate and volume of gaseous substances (gas) transported through pipelines in the forward or reverse directions

Domestic gas meter HORN
Gas Meter HORN is designed to measure the volume of natural gas or degasified hydrocarbon gas for households and public utilities adjusting the measured gas volume, and displaying the amount of consumed gas on the meter indicator with the ability to transfer information to a centralized accounting system

Complete gas metering units (SKIDs)
Metering unit (SKID) of platform performance intended is a finished prefabrication product designed to measure the flow rate and volume of natural gas adjusted to standard conditions, register, archive and remote data transmission to the controller or operator during gas transfer to the consumer. SKID is mounted on the outlet pipe.