  • +38(057) 734-98-57
  • sales@energo.kh.ua

Domestic gas meter HORN

Gas Meter HORN is designed to measure the volume of natural gas or degasified hydrocarbon gas for households and public utilities adjusting the measured gas volume, and displaying the amount of consumed gas on the meter indicator with the ability to transfer information to a centralized accounting system.

The meter is intended for continuous operation under the following conditions:

  • temperature from minus 25 to 70°С;
  • humidity not more than 95 % at temperature not exceeding 35°С and lower temperatures without condensation;
  • atmospheric pressure from 84 to 106,7 kPa (from 630 to 800 mm Mercury);
  • the highest operating pressure not exceeding 50 kPa.

Счётчики выпускаются четырех типоразмеров G1,6, G2,5, G4, G6 в трех исполнениях:

  • 1/0 – with optical port;
  • 1/1 – with optical port and built-in wireless modem;
  • 0/0 – without optical port and wireless modem.
Parameter, units G1,6 G2,5 G4 G6
Max. gas flow rate Qmax, m3/h 2,5 4,0 6,5 10,0
Transitional gas flow rate Qt, m3/h 0,16 0,16 0,4 0,4
Min. gas flow rate Qmin, m3/h 0,016 0,016 0,04 0,04
Threshold gas flow rate Qthr, m3/h 0,003 0,003 0,008 0,008
Pressure loss at Рmax, Pa, not more 200
Diameter nominal DN15 DN20
Gas mixture type H, L, E, P/B
Limits of relative error under normal conditions in the range of flow rates from Qmin to Qt, %, not more ± 3,0
Limits of relative error under normal conditions in the range of flow rates from Qt to Qmax , %, not more ± 1,5
Absolute error of temperature measurement, °С, not more ± 0,5
Max. gas  gauge pressure, kPa 50
Power supply Lithium battery 3,6 V
Time of autonomous operation, not less 10 years
Display LCD, one line 10 symbols
Optical port IEC 62056-21
Verification period 8 years
Ingress Protection Level as per GOST14254-96 IP67
Overall dimensions, mm, not more 110 х 120 х 100
Mounting dimensions:
– distance between inlet and outlet pipes, mm, not more 110
– inlet and outlet pipes with G1/2 G3/4
Mounting options horizontal, vertical
Meter weight, kg, not more 1,0

The concentrators transfer collected information to the online network by any available means including GPRS/GSM/3G/Ethernet. Information is further received by the server in an encrypted form and decoded. Information garbling and hacking are impossible. The server receives instant notifications in case of emergency situations, deviations of the supply voltage or when trying to access files using the IR-DA port. 

System features enhance application of metering devices and control of gas consumption, and allow the following:

  • Monitoring the equipment condition;
  • Alerting – in cases of emergencies, control center gets corresponding messages;
  • Transferring meter readings;
  • Saving and sending event report indicating emergencies, dispatcher actions, alarm reporting, turning on/off the equipment;
  • Regular data backup on the server excluding information loss;
  • Generating flow rate balance information to detect losses, leakages and tamperin.

The shut-off valve eliminates the risk of gas contamination (for stoves not equipped with gas control system) and helps to cut off gas supply in case the gas consumer has run out of credit. To resume gas supply, the person using the equipment must press a special button or complete the procedure in any other prescribed manner.